Visual Storytelling
How do you ensure that your entire company understands how to get started with your vision, your strategy or new culture? How can I involve people more in the change process?
Do you have a strategic vision for your company or program, and do you want to translate this into an engaging visual image that contains the essence? An image from which the full story can be told in all simplicity. That's possible!
Together with a small team of people from your company, I will guide you through the process to arrive at a compelling visual story.
PURPOSE & FOR WHOM - Together we go through what is the ultimate purpose of the story, for whom it is intended and which preconditions must be taken into account.
STORY - Then we dig into the story itself and see which metaphors would work . I listen, ask questions and sketch it out on the spot. These sketches are the basis for the test message in the company and adapt it where needed.
FINALIZE - In line with your communication media, I make the final products that you can use for distribution.
Posters, leaflets, brochures, comics
Digital web or intranet pages
Presentations, Infographics
Interactive team workshops
Illustrated processes & vacancy tools
Workplace community toolbox for bottom-up change with your ambassadors
Would you like to know more? Feel free to contact us for an informal conversation!